
First and foremost, our hearts go out to anyone who has been impacted by the virus, either directly or indirectly. Our thoughts are especially with those who are sick, to whom we extend our heartfelt wishes for a full recovery, and we are truly inspired by the selfless healthcare workers around the world who are on the front lines working tirelessly to care for people in need. We are hoping you, and your family and friends are finding a way to stay safe, together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation.  This pandemic has made us come together to rally our greatest strength, the human spirit. It is affecting all our families, our businesses, our communities, and our way of life.

Through all of this, we are re-emphasizing what is most important, our customers, our team members, and our community. We understand what you are going through right now, because like everyone, we are living it too. Our communities across the country are facing unprecedented hardship and uncertainty. We understand that pain because we share it. We offer a simple pledge: we will partner with you and work together to help you move forward.  You can be rest assured we will be in your corner every step of the way–today, tomorrow, and for the duration. Helping you respond is our responsibility, and we are all in.

To decrease the spread of COVID 19 and lower the impact in our workplace, all our work will be conducted remote via various technologies and social media options.


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